Frequently Asked Questions
The American Medical Tennis Association (AMTA) is a non-profit 501(c)7 educational organization. The goal is to provide accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs for physicians while encouraging a healthy lifestyle through participation in the sport of tennis.
Non-elimination tennis tournaments for physicians and spouses at various proficiency levels complement the scientific program at AMTA meetings. Social activities at each meeting include an opening day tennis mixer, a cocktail party and dinner, a mid-week outing and an awards banquet. Activities are suggested for family members who aren’t participating in the tournaments.
The success of the AMTA in the United States provided the impetus for the establishment of the World Medical Tennis Society in 1971, now active in over 50 countries worldwide. Each year, an American contingent of AMTA members travels to the annual international meeting; Croatia, Malta and Bali are recent destinations.
How many CME credits can one earn at each meeting?
Ten (10) hours of CME are offered at each AMTA meeting, typically two-to-three (2-3) hours each day for four days; however, the number of CME credits a physician can earn depends on the number of CME lectures attended, reflecting the extent of participation in our CME activities.
What category are the CME credits?
Credit for CME lectures at AMTA meetings is granted by the American Academy of Family Practitioners (AAFP). AAFP credits are Prescribed Credits, which are considered by the American Medial Association (AMA) as equivalent to AMA PRA Category I credits for applications for the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award.
In line with evolving concepts in Medical Education, the AMTA embraces Continuous Professional Development (CPD), which incorporates CME as well as managerial, social and personal issues for physicians and other healthcare professionals, rather than limiting presentations to strictly disease-oriented topics. This step has been taken by the AMTA to more meaningfully address the CME needs of our widely diverse physician audiences.
Are members required to be speakers at the CME course?
Physicians who attend are frequently “encouraged” to speak about topics in which they have expertise or a special interest, but noone is required to speak. Web lectures are occasionally substituted for live lectures if there is a shortage of available speakers.
What are some examples of the CME lecture topics?
A wide variety of topics presented by a varied group of specialists are offered at each meeting. Outside speakers from a local medical center are sometimes brought in, or an occasional web-based lecture is shown. You can see a list of recent meeting speakers and topics under CME.
Is attendance taken at meetings?
Members sign in at the lectures and records are kept for CME verification, if requested. Attendance is encouraged, but not required.
What is the level of tennis play at the meetings?
We have top level, even nationally-ranked players in their age group and good club players, as well as novice players. Whenever possible, you will be paired with and compete against players of similar ability and experience.
How much tennis will I play?
Singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles are all scheduled in both the tournament or team tennis formats; consolation brackets also play each day in the tournament format. If you are in all three events you would be guaranteed three days of play in each of the three events during the four-day meeting. Occasionally, play-limiting weather requires creative scheduling.
Can you find me a partner?
YES! There are often physicians who come with a spouse who doesn’t play and an appropriate partner is found. Local players are sometimes recruited if the right partner isn’t found among the attendees.
What is the schedule of a typical meeting day?
The CME lectures start at 8 am and continue until 11 am; during that time non-MD-spouses may be playing, depending on the size of the draw. Singles usually start at 11:30 am, followed by mens and womens doubles at 1 pm, and mixed doubles at 2:30 or 3:00 pm. A social hour follows at 6 pm.
Are there activities for non-MD spouses?
We offer suggestions for activities and, when the interest develops, hold special activities during the CME lecture hours and throughout the day.
Can I bring a non-physician guest?
There are times when a meeting isn’t sold out and non-physician guests are welcomed.
Can I bring my family?
Absolutely! The resorts are chosen for their proximity to activities for all ages. Attendance of multi-generational families is encouraged!
Can I make my own hotel reservations?
You could, but understand that the AMTA has negotiated a reduced room rate and contracted for a very specific number of guaranteed rooms; if signups fall short of that number, the organization is obligated to pay for the unused rooms. It’s best for the organization if you make your reservations through the AMTA at least 30 days in advance of the meetings.